Changes You Can Achieve with Rhinoplasty
Posted on July 16, 2021

While most plastic surgeries can be customized to suit the needs of a patient, perhaps no procedure is more personalized than rhinoplasty. Dr. Dev Vibhakar of Aqua Plastic Surgery understands that every patient has different needs, and he strives to meet each patient’s aesthetic goals. Here, Dr. Dev discusses some of the more common changes patients can achieve with nose job surgery.
Straightening the Nose
Crooked noses can be the result of injury or genetics. With research telling us that people perceive symmetrical faces to be the most attractive, it makes sense that people want to improve the alignment of their nose so that the left half mirrors the right.
Changing the Width of the Bridge
Some people complain that the bridge of their nose is too wide or too narrow. The most common approach for widening the bridge is cartilage grafts, which may improve your ability to breathe through your nose. Dr. Dev can narrow the bridge by delicately reshaping the bones for a slighter appearance.
Removing a Bump
A protrusion on the nose, also known as a nasal or dorsal hump, is usually caused by excess cartilage or bone on the bridge of the nose. Although this trait is most often inherited, many people prefer a flatter appearance to their nose and have this hump removed surgically.
Changing the Projection of the Nasal Tip
On average, a man’s nasal tip points outward, creating a 90 degree angle with the skin above the lip, while a woman’s nose is likely to protrude slightly upward. As that is not the case for everyone, some patients, especially those whose noses point downward or are not in alignment with the angle of projection commonly associated with their sex, will request to change the projection of the tip to give the face a more masculine or feminine appearance.
Adjusting the Size of the Nostrils
Even the nostrils can be tweaked with some careful surgery. If your nostrils seem too big, Dr. Dev can lift the edge of the nostril for more coverage or graft cartilage to fill in some of the space. To widen the nostrils, he can remove a small amount of nasal tissue.
No matter which issues you are looking for rhinoplasty to correct, Dr. Dev at Aqua Plastic Surgery is here to help. To schedule a consultation with him, call our Jupiter office at (561) 776-2830 or our Miami office at (305) 918-1750.