Common Questions about Tummy Tuck
Posted on May 17, 2021

Abdominoplasty, often referred to as “tummy tuck,” is a common surgical procedure that smooths and slims patients’ midsections. Essentially, this plastic surgery results in a stronger, less-wrinkled belly, free of the marks excess weight or pregnancy may have left behind. Here the doctors of Aqua Plastic Surgery answer your questions about this popular procedure.
Who is a good candidate for tummy tuck?
Good tummy tuck candidates include women who have finished having children and men and women who have experienced significant weight loss and now have extra skin that hangs below their pubic area. In addition to being unwanted, this extra weight also may make it difficult to find properly-fitted clothes — and may cause hygiene problems because of the constant skin-on-skin connection.
Who should not consider a tummy tuck?
While tummy tuck is a straightforward procedure ideal for candidates for whom ab work is not making a difference and are within 20 percent of their perfect body weight, it is a serious operation for those with a high body mass index (BMI) or chronic health condition (e.g., heart disease), who smoke or have had a previous abdominal surgery.
What are the steps of the actual surgery?
The surgery takes about two hours to perform. Dr. Rankin, Dr. Vibhakar or Dr. Bauermeister will begin with a horizontal incision (length will depend on the extremity of the correction) that will likely be able to be hidden by an underwear hem, and then a second incision around the navel to the target area. The doctor will go through the incisions to draw the abdominal muscles together to tighten and stitch them into place.
What are the benefits and drawbacks to having a tummy tuck?
Benefits of a tummy tuck are wide ranging, offering patients medical, physical and mental perks. They include:
- Correcting a ventral hernia
- Reduces urinary incontinence
- Minimizes the risk of certain health conditions, including diabetes, heart disease and sleep apnea
- Improves posture and therefore reduces back pain
- Stronger abdomen
- Better fitting clothes
- Boost in self-confidence
So long as you maintain your weight, a scar near the underwear line is the only memory you’ll have of the excess skin.
What is the recovery like from a tummy tuck?
Post-surgery, you will experience swelling and a bit of discomfort, for which you will receive medication. To support your newly strengthened belly and prevent fluid buildup, the doctor will give you a binder to wear for a few weeks. Further, you will need to be patient with your recovery as your movements need to be measured and overall lifestyle healthy. While some patients are able to resume work and most normal activities within two weeks, other patients take longer, so the actual duration of recovery time is personal to each patient.
Meet With Aqua Plastic Surgery
Our surgeons are excited to consult with you and answer any questions you may have regarding a potential tummy tuck. Please contact us here.