Is There Any Way to Reduce the Risk of Capsular Contracture?
Posted on May 12, 2020

Capsular contracture is a complication of breast augmentation that occurs when the scar tissue that naturally forms around the implant hardens. The scar tissue can contract around one or both implants, causing pain and distortion.
Nowadays complications like capsular contracture are rare, as surgical techniques have evolved and plastic surgeons have become more knowledgeable about the circumstances that raise the risk of problems.
If you are planning breast augmentation, understand that some of the factors that lead to capsular contracture are out of your control. There is no surefire way to predict exactly how your body will react to the presence of breast implants.
On the other hand, the team at Aqua Plastic Surgery believes that some factors are in your control, and by making a few key decisions, you may reduce your risk of problems. Take a moment to learn more about managing your risk of capsular contracture.
Capsular Contracture At a Glance
Whenever any kind of medical or cosmetic implant is placed in the body, a “capsule” of scar tissue naturally forms around it. This is the body’s way of attempting to isolate the implant by creating a type of barrier around it. With breast implants, this capsule is helpful, as it keeps the implants in their intended position.
However, in some patients, the scar tissue becomes unnaturally hard and puts pressure on the implant. Depending on the severity of capsular contracture, the breasts can become sore, tender or painful to the touch and appear hard-looking or distorted.
There are numerous theories about what causes capsular contracture. A common theory is that it occurs when an implant is exposed to bacteria at the time of surgery. The bacteria can attach to the implant and form a sticky coating called biofilm. If blood clots form after surgery, they can encourage the growth of biofilm by providing nutrients to the bacteria.
Lower Your Risk
One of the most important things you can do to reduce your chances of getting capsular contracture is find a board-certified plastic surgeon you can trust. Experienced surgeons know how to carefully screen patients for any conditions that can increase the risk of breast implant complications, such as conditions that increase the risk of blood clots. A trusted board-certified plastic surgeon will use preventative strategies during surgery to limit the possibility of bacterial contamination.
Next, do your homework about your implant options. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the size of your implants as well as how and where they are placed may affect how likely you are to develop capsular contracture. For instance, placing implants below the chest muscle may reduce the risk of capsular contracture.
To learn more about what our surgeons do to minimize the risk of complications like capsular contracture, please contact Aqua Plastic Surgery by calling our Jupiter office at (561) 776-2830 or our Ft. Lauderdale office at (954) 564-3832.