Plastic & Reconstructive surgery in Jupiter

Explant Blog

How Long Does Breast Implant Removal Take?

Aqua Plastic Surgery posted on March 1, 2024
Breast implant removal in Jupiter

Your timeline for breast explant, or breast implant removal surgery, depends on the reason for the procedure and your surgeon’s availability. Women tend to replace their breast implants every 10 to 15 years, but some may need them removed or replaced due to an implant rupture or a hardening of the scar tissue around the… Continue reading →

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5 Ways to Prepare Yourself for Breast Implant Removal

Aqua Plastic Surgery posted on November 2, 2023
Breast implant removal in Jupiter

Women may choose or require breast implant removal to address implant leaks, ruptures, unsatisfactory results, or suspected breast implant illness. Our breast explant surgeons at Aqua Plastic Surgery, Dr. David Rankin can help you prepare for breast implant removal and recovery. We work to preserve your feminine silhouette by  reshaping remaining glandular tissue.

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3 Steps to Take If You Suspect You Have Breast Implant Illness

Aqua Plastic Surgery posted on August 4, 2023
Breast Implant Illness Miami FL

Breast augmentation with breast implants is still one of the most popular plastic surgeries and has a low risk of complications. However, a small number of patients may experience breast implant illness (BII). While BII is not a formal diagnosis, women experience many concerning symptoms seemingly related to their breast implants that improve when they… Continue reading →

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5 Reasons Why Women Remove Their Breast Implants

Aqua Plastic Surgery posted on July 4, 2023
Breast implant removal

Breast implants can balance your overall body shape and figure. However, some women experience complications, unexplained symptoms, or are unhappy with their results. These women may remove their breast implants with breast explant. Dr. David Rankin is a renowned breast surgeon specializing in breast explant who can expertly remove your breast implants and may increase breast volume naturally with… Continue reading →

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What Will My Breasts Look Like After Breast Implant Removal? Choose a Skilled Explant Surgeon

Aqua Plastic Surgery posted on February 4, 2023
Breast Lift Miami

Women may decide to have breast implants removed for various reasons but worry about what their breasts will look like after the procedure. Explant surgery involves removing both the implants and any scar tissue that formed around them. At Aqua Plastic Surgery, our plastic surgeons Drs. David Rankin and Dev Vibhakar discuss what breasts usually… Continue reading →

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Aqua Plastic Surgery

641 University Boulevard, Suite 103
Jupiter, Florida 33458



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