Plastic & Reconstructive surgery in Jupiter, Boca, & Miami

5 Reasons Why Women Remove Their Breast Implants

Posted on July 4, 2023
Breast implant removal

Breast implants can balance your overall body shape and figure. However, some women experience complications, unexplained symptoms, or are unhappy with their results. These women may remove their breast implants with breast explant. Dr. David Rankin is a renowned breast surgeon specializing in breast explant who can expertly remove your breast implants and may increase breast volume naturally with fat grafting at Aqua Plastic Surgery.

1. Breast Implant Illness

Breast implant illness refers to a collection of symptoms that develop in people who have breast implants. There are more than 50 symptoms reported by women with breast implant illness that may affect their ability to think or focus and cause physical and psychological pain. Doctors theorize breast implant illness happens when there’s an autoimmune or inflammatory reaction to parts of the breast implant. Breast implant removal is the only treatment option.

2. Capsular Contracture

Capsular contracture is a breast implant complication that happens when the scar tissue capsule surrounding the breast implant stiffens or hardens and tightens around the implant. Patients may experience pain, and the breast may appear distorted or feel rock-hard. Capsular contracture requires breast implant removal or replacement.

3. Implant Rupture

Women with saline breast implants will see a visible change in their breasts if an implant ruptures or leaks. The body absorbs the saline solution, and the affected breast is noticeably smaller. Women with silicone breast implants won’t notice a difference, which is why regular MRIs are necessary to visualize the implant and surrounding breast tissue. Implant ruptures require breast implant removal. Some women may wish to replace the implant or remove both implants and have natural breast augmentation with fat grafting.

4. No Longer Satisfied with Results

Decades ago, excessively large breast implants were popular. Women with overly large breast implants can suffer from neck, back, and shoulder pain because the larger breasts alter their center of gravity and put more force on the spine. These are the same issues women with naturally large busts experience. Large implants may limit activities, such as jogging and other exercises. Women who had breast augmentation years ago may wish to remove their breast implants now that they’re older because they feel the implants no longer reflect their cosmetic goals.

5. An End to Maintenance Procedures

Breast implants are not lifetime medical devices; they need to be replaced every 10 to 20 years, and the risk of implant rupture increases the longer the implant is in the body. While many women keep their implants throughout their lives, such as women who have the procedure to address asymmetrical breasts, others may not want to continue these maintenance procedures as they age and have the implants removed.

Schedule a Breast Explant Consultation at Aqua Plastic Surgery

If you’re interested in breast implant removal, contact Aqua Plastic Surgery to schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon and breast explant specialist. Contact our Florida offices in Jupiter at (561) 776-2830 and Miami at (305) 918-1750,


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641 University Boulevard, Suite 103
Jupiter, Florida 33458




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175 SW 7th Street, Suite 1710
Miami, Florida 33130



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200 Glades Road, Suite 1
Boca Raton, Florida 33432



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