Plastic & Reconstructive surgery in Jupiter, Boca, & Miami

What Will My Breasts Look Like After Breast Implant Removal? Choose a Skilled Explant Surgeon

Posted on February 4, 2023
Breast Lift Miami

Women may decide to have breast implants removed for various reasons but worry about what their breasts will look like after the procedure. Explant surgery involves removing both the implants and any scar tissue that formed around them. At Aqua Plastic Surgery, our plastic surgeons Drs. David Rankin and Dev Vibhakar discuss what breasts usually look like after breast implant removal and how breast lift can help improve their appearance.

Breast Implant Longevity

At the time of your breast augmentation or reconstruction surgery, surgeons normally inform you that breast implants will eventually need replacement. While under normal circumstances breast implants should last 10 to 15 years, leaks are always a possibility. Saline implant leaks cause deflation and silicone implant ruptures may result in the hardening of scar tissue around the implant.

Whether leaks or the passage of time dictate the need for a new implant, it’s also a good time to consider whether to opt for permanent removal. It’s natural that after having implants for a long period, women wonder what their breasts will look like without them. Much depends on the amount of scar tissue surrounding the implants.

Aesthetic Considerations

After explant surgery, expect a significant reduction in breast volume. That makes sense since the implants are gone; however, it can result in certain aesthetic concerns. These include:

  • Sagging
  • Downward position of the nipples and areolas
  • Loose skin
  • Indentations

Patients with large implants but relatively little natural breast tissue are most vulnerable to these aesthetic changes.

Explant Surgery and Scarring

Typically, explant surgery involves using the same incisions created during implant surgery. No new scarring results. Breast lift may require an additional incision from the nipple to the breast crease.

Breast Lift

Fortunately, breast lift performed in conjunction with or after explant surgery can resolve many aesthetic concerns. This procedure lifts sagging breasts and removes excess skin. Breasts appear more youthful, with “perkiness” restored and higher nipples. While your breasts look smaller, they are still attractive after breast lift.

Enhancing Breast Shape

Another advantage of undergoing breast lift after explant surgery is the enhancement of breast shape. The operation creates a fuller, more rounded breast. Your breasts look and feel firmer. The goal is to make you happy with the outcome!

Get More Information

If you would like more information about breast implant removal and breast lift, please contact Aqua Plastic Surgery. Call our Jupiter office at (561) 776-2830 or Miami at 305-918-1750. We will explain the breast explant process and answer any questions.


Aqua Plastic Surgery

641 University Boulevard, Suite 103
Jupiter, Florida 33458




Aqua Plastic Surgery

175 SW 7th Street, Suite 1710
Miami, Florida 33130



Boca Raton

Aqua Plastic Surgery

200 Glades Road, Suite 1
Boca Raton, Florida 33432



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