Plastic & Reconstructive surgery in Jupiter

BREAST AUGMENTATION in Jupiter, Boca Raton, and Boca Raton, FL

Breast Augmentation in Jupiter & Miami

It’s normal for women living on Florida’s beautiful coastline to want to feel “beach-ready” at all times — that is, ready to slip into a bikini at a moment’s notice. The sunshine constantly beckons us outdoors to relax or enjoy sports activities.

In order to feel confident wearing bathing suits and tight, skimpy warm-weather clothing, many Floridians work out regularly and stick to a healthy diet. However, all of the Zumba classes and kale smoothies in the world cannot enhance one integral part of a woman’s physique: her breasts.

Dr. Adam Bauermeister of Aqua Plastic Surgery is a leading breast augmentation surgeon in Miami & Jupiter. He has helped hundreds of women achieve their ideal breast size and shape and feel more confident about their bodies.

Am I a Good Candidate for Breast Augmentation?

Our plastic surgeon meets with each West Palm Beach breast augmentation candidate to perform a physical examination, discuss her personal goals and educate her on all available breast implant options. In general, you may be a good candidate for breast augmentation if you:

  • Have naturally small breasts
  • Have unevenly sized or shaped breasts
  • Have lost breast volume after pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Are in good physical and mental health
  • Have a positive self-image, but desire larger breasts
  • Have reasonable expectations of the surgical outcome

Making Decisions about Your Breast Augmentation

Dr. Bauermeister treats his breast augmentation patients the way he wants to be treated — with respect and compassion. He takes the time to listen to your unique needs and goals, and then tailors the treatment plan to suit you.

After scheduling your surgery, you will have some important decisions to make. Dr. Bauermeister will review all of your options for implant size and shape, as well as the surgical incision pattern and the implant placement. Our surgeon will offer his professional recommendation based on your desired cosmetic outcome and your anatomy, but he wants to make sure that you are satisfied with your treatment plan. If something feels “off” about your treatment plan,  Dr. Bauermeister encourages you to ask questions until you understand and feel comfortable with the planned approach.

Saline vs. Silicone Breast Implants

Breast Implants Jupiter & MiamiSilicone implants have a more natural feel than saline implants, and most women with silicone implants claim that they “feel like my natural breasts.” Saline implants have a slightly higher tendency to be more noticeable and to possibly ripple on the outsides of the breast. Per the rules of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), silicone implants may only be used in women 22 years of age or older, or for women who have a congenital abnormality or tubular breast. Silicone implants were taken off the market for 14 years for the FDA to study their safety. They were made available again in 2006 with no specific concerns over long-term safety. Our surgeon performs a large volume of breast implants with both silicone and saline implants and can help you to choose the proper implant during a consultation. The ultimate choice will depend on your current breast size and shape, your breast measurements, your desired size and other factors.

Gummy Bear Implants

New-generation silicone breast implants are known as cohesive gel breast implants. The term “gummy bear” breast implants is simply a term coined by a plastic surgeon in California to describe the consistency of the newer implants. Older-generation silicone gel implants had a more “liquid” gel than the newer implants, whose gel has more of a gummy-bear-candy consistency; when a new-generation implant ruptures, the liquid does not pour out in the local tissues. Implants come in different sizes, profiles (low profile, moderate profile, high profile, extra high profile), textures and even shapes. The best implant for you is decided at your consultation through evaluation of your breast anatomy and desires for size and shape.

Breast Implant Placement

Breast implants may be placed either above or under the chest muscle. Dr. Bauermeister usually places the implant under the muscle. By doing this, the implant has another layer of tissue covering it, which makes the implant less noticeable and lowers the chances of breast rippling. Studies have also shown that placement under the muscle may lower the chances of some future potential complications.

Choosing the Right Implant Size

Determining the proper breast implant size involves several steps. First, your breasts should be measured to determine what implant will best fit your body frame. Next, it is helpful to look at photographs to determine what “look” you are trying to achieve. Finally, actual breast implants of various sizes are tried on with a sizing bra to get a feel for what the final result will look like. Implant sizers are utilized in the operating room as well, to double-check final size prior to implant selection. Proper sizing is VERY important and our surgeon spends a lot of time with his patients, using his various methods, to get the perfect size for his patient’s expectations.

What Happens During Breast Augmentation Surgery?

Dr. Bauermeister performs breast augmentation in his private surgical suite or at one of the local hospitals where he maintains staff privileges. Surgery takes about an hour, and you will go home the same day. The procedure may vary if patients are also undergoing other procedures, such as breast lift surgery. Dr. Bauermeister uses saline and silicone-filled implants, based on your pre-determined treatment plan. He inserts the implants through an incision either around the areola, under the breast or in the armpit. The surgeon will carefully create a pocket within the breast tissue (either over or under the chest muscle) and position the implant. He will make sure that the breasts look symmetrical and very natural-looking. When he’s finished, he closes the incisions with sutures. All sutures are dissolvable, with the exception of two that are removed in the office one week after surgery.

Recovering from Breast Augmentation Surgery

Many patients return to work after about a week, and are able to walk around the day of surgery. Our plastic surgeon uses all possible means of minimizing pain post-operatively, and prescribes pain medication to ease any discomfort. All prescriptions should be filled prior to surgery so they are ready for you at home after your procedure. Our surgeon will call you personally on the evening of your surgery to check on you. He typically schedules follow-up visits at one to three days, one week, two weeks, six weeks, three months and 6-12 months after surgery. Keep in mind that you should be careful not to rush your recovery. Instead, let your body heal at its own pace.

What Does Breast Augmentation Cost?

The cost of breast augmentation varies depending on where you select to have your surgery. Costs include breast implants, facility fees, anesthesia costs and surgeon’s costs. Please give us a call to determine an accurate price quote. Dr. Bauermeister is board-certified in plastic surgery and has extensive training in the art of breast augmentation. You are in very capable hands. This may vary according to the difficulty of the procedure. We also do perform our patients’ blood work and EKG (if necessary) right in our office avoiding another trip to another facility. We offer surgery in our private AAASF-accredited surgical suite or at a local outpatient surgical facility. Patient safety is paramount.

Financing Breast Augmentation

We do offer financing for breast augmentation either through CareCredit or sometimes through in-house financing. Our staff will actually help you to get financed if you would like!
Breast Implant Financing Jupiter FL

When Can I Resume Work After Breast Implant Surgery?

The amount of time you take off from work depends on your profession and other personal factors. Generally, women with sedentary desk jobs return to work within a week or so. Women with physically active or strenuous jobs usually need to take additional time off from work. During your pre-operative consultation, our plastic surgeon will give you a more specific time estimate.

During recovery, will my breast size decrease as swelling subsides?

It is very likely. During the initial recovery from breast augmentation, many women feel their breasts are bigger than they would like; this is largely attributed to post-operative swelling. As the swelling subsides and the body recovers from surgery, the breasts become smaller and usually settle into the desired size. It takes about three to six months for this to happen.

Should implants be placed under the muscle or over the muscle?

There are pros and cons to both approaches.

Primary advantages of placing implants under the muscle:

  • More tissue covering the implant to conceal its shape and outline
  • Less risk of visible implant folds or rippling
  • Reduced risk of capsular contracture

Primary disadvantages of placing implants under the muscle:

  • Longer and more uncomfortable recovery
  • Interference with chest muscles when lifting or flexing

Primary advantages of placing implants over the muscle:

  • Easier recovery from surgery
  • Less risk of “bottoming out”
  • Prevents interference with professional weightlifting or body building

Primary disadvantages of placing implants over the muscle:

  • Implants may be more visible, especially in women with little natural breast tissue
  • Greater chance of rippling

The placement location of your implants depends on your body type, the amount of existing breast tissue and the implants you select.

Do I need to wait until after having children before having breast augmentation surgery?

The only reason you would have to postpone surgery is if you are currently pregnant (Dr. Bauermeister will not perform breast augmentation on an expectant mother). But from a breastfeeding standpoint, many women with implants have successfully breastfed. If you are hoping to breastfeed in the future, mention your plans to our plastic surgeon so he is mindful while drafting your plan of treatment.

How long do I need to wait before having capsular contracture fixed?

It is difficult to say, because every case has unique circumstances. Typically, our plastic surgeon defers treatment three to six months to allow the swelling to subside and the tissues to fully heal.

When Should I consider revision surgery?

If your breast augmentation results fall short of your expectations, or they make you even more self-conscious, revision surgery is an option. However, it is important to wait until your body has completely healed from surgery and your implants have settled. The way your breasts look one week after surgery is very different from how they will look several months after surgery. Dr. Bauermeister recommends waiting at least six months before considering revision surgery.

When does swelling after breast augmentation begin to subside?

Swelling is usually at its worst three days after surgery, and begins to subside several weeks after surgery. It can take six months for swelling to completely resolve.

How long do I have to sleep on my back after breast augmentation?

You need to sleep on your back for at least two to four weeks after surgery.

When can I resume exercise?

You can resume gentle aerobic activities, such as walking, two weeks after surgery. Strenuous exercise, such as jogging and weightlifting, may be resumed four to six weeks after surgery. Our plastic surgeon will give you specific parameters after surgery.

How do I decide what size to go?

Our surgeon will help you select your implant size during your personal consultation. The size you pick will depend on your body type, natural breast size, lifestyle factors and cosmetic goals.

How do I decide on the incision approach to be used during breast augmentation?

Our surgeon will explain your incision pattern options and the pros and cons of each during your consultation. He will recommend the best approach for you, based on factors such as your anatomy and the implant type and size you have chosen.

Schedule a Breast Augmentation Consultation

If you’ve been dreaming of bigger, fuller breasts to fill out your bikini top, breast implants may be right for you. For more information about the surgery and your options, please schedule a free informative consultation with Dr. Bauermeister.

Contact us to learn more about breast augmentation in South Florida and to take the first step toward a more beautiful body.


Aqua Plastic Surgery

641 University Boulevard, Suite 103
Jupiter, Florida 33458



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